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I don't think it is really about turning the wiiu around. It's about using the wiiu to continue to rebuild their reputation amounst dedicated gamers. Continue to release terrific games for the machine and add as many system features as they can. Would love to see wii-cheivements added as well as cross browser voice chat. Drop the price when they can. It's all about convincing core games who own an xbox one or PS4 to make the wiiu their second system. Make it cheap enough and have a huge lineup of incredible exclusives. Basically just keep doing what they are doing since they are well on the road to recover.

The wiiu was conceived as a half step system. One foot in the "wii" market and one foot in the "core market".  The casual is gone now for consoles. It's finished. With the next console they would have more succes with both feet into the "core market" when conceiving the console. Because that market is growing hugely.