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Thanks for getting back to me.  I'm only intrested in the math.  I'm a cold calculating logical kind of guy and find formulas and calculations interesting. As far as your post, Microsoft has proven that they don't know the US/Gamers as well as you claim with their disasterous pre-launch, but this has nothing to do with the math I was interested in.  COD on the Xbox was outselling the PS4 because of the exclusive marketing agreement.  Same thing happened with Watch Dogs landslide win on the PS4. These cases have an extra variable that must be accounted for.

Exactly.  As I always say, past numbers taken in a vacuum are not an accurate basis for determining present or future potential for success.  If they were, Elder Scrolls would still be super niche and FPSs would be playing second fiddle to platformers.  And one variable in this instance is actually demographics.  The demographics frequenting malls, Amazon, etc shift during the holidays; it's a different group who are less informed on the product and more easily motivated by deals and bargains.  But that's once a year and Sony *chose* to *allow* Xbox to have it.  They barely tried.  But trust me, that won't happen this year with their heavy hitters landing.

We must have all been posting simultaneously lol.