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HappySqurriel said: Kwadd you're full of shit ... a 20 inch monitor is 16 inches by 12 inches or 400 square inches ... at 900 Pixels per inch your resolution is 480 x 360 ... 1600 x 1200 is 4800 Pixels per inch ... Edit: I was talking about "Pixels per Square Inch" in my initial posting because that is the only measure I have seen relating to an eye's ability to see.
16x12= 192 square inches. NOT 400. 1600x1200 on 20inch... you have 10,000pixels per square inch. 192*10,000=1,920,000 EDIT: 192 units of 10,000 pixels. 1600x1200=1,920,000 EDIT: 1,920,000 pixels total. Wanna learn some math? EDIT: I am useing a single axis of it. so 300x300. Or 90,000 pixels per square inch. EDIT2: So my HDTV running at 57.6x57.6 = 3317.76PPSI So 1920x1080 is over 4x what you said it needs to be for a 40inch screen.

PSN ID: Kwaad

I fly this flag in victory!