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So much bull :)

NintendoPie said:

 Playing MKWii was a totally different story. Maybe you could blame it on the motion controls making the game a little iffy on some turns and jumps, but MKWii never politely nudged you off walls you hit; if you hit a wall you slowed down. MKWii never gave you a Blue Shell extinguisher; if a Blue Shell was headed your way you were either pro enough to dodge it or pro enough to take back first place. MKWii also gave you the possibility of holding more shells, meaning you had the possibility of being more ruthless to your opponents than you could in MK8.

 The Wii gets shamed for being a casual console, and, in turn, it's games as well, but MK8 was dumbed down. There are other things I can mention to support my point (like Retro courses from the Wii entry being simplified. Ex. Wario's Gold Mine is much easier.) but I'll leave this up to discussion. Does anyone else notice a difficulty difference? Hell, I even notice a difference when playing MK7 versus MK8.

The "story" mode got more casual/easy which doesn't make a multiplayer game more casual.

On Double Dash you could hit walls (ride them) and you had to to be one of the best on track. How is that casual? On other karts wall hits even gave you a hidden boost if performed correctly. On MK8 now wall bounces can do the same. Really casual that is.

How is MKWii more core when you can easily take back #1 after being hit by a blue shell? You always get the right items in that game to get back to the front (unless there actually are people who know how to play properly and easily beat you by 20 seconds). You can still dodge the blue shell in 8 with a shroom so no need to camp on a horn.

Holding more shells = harder/more core? If anything it makes Wii even easier because you can throw 6 times without even thinking about it. And the next item box is giving you exactly what you need anyways.

Retro courses being simplified? Lol. Play some karts that are older than Wii and then play Wii and tell me the retro tracks aren't overly simplified there as well including WAY too wide. "The game has to hold 12 players at once on the track" is no excuse for those crazily wide tracks.