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RPG's I would LOVE to see on the Wii U are...

Breath of Fire -

Breath of Fire has some of the most engaging gameplay from a series I have ever experienced. Particularly from BoF3 onward. Capcom seems to have decided that this title is best off on the moblie platform, which is really sad to see. BoF is best known for its transformation system which allows you to become a powerful dragon hybrid. BoF 3 had an amazing indepth story line which spanned childhood as well as adulthood and delt with loss, love, and making your way through the world as an outsider. Most recognizable character: Ryu(

Tales of -

The Tales of series has a long history going all the way back to the SNES. The Tales series is best known for its deep and engaging combat system. Tales of Eternia was revolutionary for its time, forgoing a tradtional turn based combat system for a side-scrolling active combat style which has grew with and evolved in the series to this day. While the stories are generally criticized for being somewhat generic, none can deny the depth and challenge the combat offers. Most recognizable character: Various

Wild ARMS -

Aside from a recent entry on the PSP, the Wild ARMS series seems to have been abandoned, which is a real shame. Best known for its in-depth puzzles and customizable weapons known as 'ARMs', the series generally mixes technology from a lost age as well as old west themes to combine for a truly unique experience. While not directly connected, most of the games view 'ARMs' as lost technology which helped decimate the environment and those who use them are ostracized out of fear. Most recognizable character: Rudy Roughknight

I really believe that any of these titles has great potential to do well for Nintendo, or third paries going forward. Each one offered unique gameplay and have excellent potential to take advantage of the gamepad in unique ways. 

“What I say is, a town isn't a town without a bookstore. It may call itself a town, but unless it's got a bookstore it knows it's not fooling a soul.”  - Neil Gaiman