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However, once in the world of adults, my philosophy is based on the ideal that people are able to think rationally. Do you really believe that kind of philosophy is wishful thinking? If so, then Martin Luther King Jr. was wrong because he asked people to think for themselves. Most revolutionists who made an important difference asked the same thing. Tyrants demanded the opposite, that people not think for themselves.

I think that the ideal that all adults are able to think rationally is wrong. Many adults think that ghosts, bigfoot, lockness monster, aliens, reincarnation or "god" exist, when actually no real proof exists. Each individual is raised in a different maner and each individual feel things differently, this is a fact, something rational for somebody will be irrationnal for others. We feel emotions so we are bound to be irrationnal at times and have irrational speaches, adults included. That's why I spoke before about education,facts and belief instead of ideas. Ideas are not a structured way of thinking and are usually an hypothesis of something that could be or make sense at first glance with the education/information at hand. Ideas are the start of a fact search, not the result. Throwing ideas around do not result in finding the truth, like I said before the best ideas may be the wrong answer after a fact analysis. It may be fun or rewarding to see that a majority of person as the same ideas as you in a forum or in a public debate, but it do not make those ideas the "truth" or the best thing to do. That said, I think that you cannot deny freedom of speech on facts or belief but you can limit freedom of speech on belief or assomptions presented as facts. When there are irrefutable facts going against your belief, you cannot invoke freedom of speech to spread unfounded believes as facts.