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...With a bonus fighting local multilplayer mode (they developed it as a demo, people at expos liked it and they decided to add it to the final game).

Derived from Scottecs comics that have a graphic style very similar to Cyanide & Happiness, but stories  and humour can be sometimes similar and some others not. Shit happens as often as in C&H, but usually due to characters that are clumsier and more unlucky but less evil than in C&H and almost always as weird, for example Dr. Culocane (literally "Dr. Arsedog") is a nutty science popularizer that with the maximum seriousness, arrogance and patronizing attitude, explains to his audience totally demented theories (like that water is a deadly poison, seven is the maximum measure of everything and air was invented in 1973 and before that year people breathed cooked rice and had to carry it around in heavy backpacks).
The game uses some characters from the comics, but the single player story, while keeping the comics style, is specifically written for the game. In this case the main character is quite stupid and totally gullible, and the player must use this trait to make him overcome some difficulties and hurdles and win the game, saving the world from a dog that's wreaking havoc with a magic wand "inherited" from a dead wizard.

Cartoony 2D graphics, of course. Devs say their inspiration for the game, besides the comics theme, comes from Zelda, and they make it very clear in some references:

The game succeeded in the fundraising campaign, reaching the main goal for the development of PC, Mac, Android and iOS versions, then it also reached three stretch goals, Win Phone, PSV and Wii U versions. It's been greenlit on Steam too.

Steam reports 2015 as release date, without specifying it more.

Stwike him, Centuwion. Stwike him vewy wuffly! (Pontius Pilate, "Life of Brian")
A fart without stink is like a sky without stars.
TGS, Third Grade Shooter: brand new genre invented by Kevin Butler exclusively for Natal WiiToo Kinect. PEW! PEW-PEW-PEW!