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Gnizmo said:
RedArmia said:

No they wont help, did you even think before you made this thread.

MGS will boost sales, but FF13 is what will be the rise of PS3 in Japan. Any one with a tiny bit of intelligence know what happened to PS when FF7 hit and can predict what will happen.

ps you expect a good anwser on this mattr on here, come on.

When FF7 was released on the PS1 the Saturn had been getting outsold 3:1 for over 6 months. The series has also had a steady decline in sales over the years and it is literally impossible for the game to sell enopugh consoles to touch the gap the Wii has created. The series has been in steady decline in sales ever since VII and it seems unlikely the game will do much more than 2.5 million lifetime. Unless the game sells 3.8 million consoles it won't be able to bring the install base to the same level. One game will never save a system.


??? did this fool fanboy just say FF13 not do more then 2.5 million lifetime ?

Look at FFX sales and yahh real decline.