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What was meant to be a single thread has now expanded to become some sort of ongoing series of mine. It's now time to take a look at the 3DS and consider whether or not it's a failure.

The 3DS has now reached sales of 50m, far behind its predecessor the DS in the same time frame, and it's very unlikely (to understate it) it'll ever reach the same heights as the original DS. But does that mean it's a failure, or is it possible to see some sort of success in this handheld console?

The 3DS is not only lagging behind in hardware sales, it's also far behind on the software side of things. BUT, it's beating its closes competition soundly; the PS Vita, and has over 80% of the market share. Mobile gaming has become huge in recent(ish) years, and considering the circumstances, has the 3DS manage to make the best of a bad situation?

It's also important to remember the beginning of the 3DS as well; it was off to a rough start with a pretty high price, which Nintendo had to cut and therefore lose money for the first time in over 30 years. But since then things have been looking brighter, and it seems as if the console will end up somewhere between 65m-85m units sold. But does that count as a success?

Keep the discussion civil, do NOT troll or flame! This is an interesting discussion to be had, so don't ruin it!!

I'm on Twitter @DanneSandin!

Furthermore, I think VGChartz should add a "Like"-button.