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Welcome to Scrambles reviews, where we (meaning me) take a different approach to reviewing games.
Scores are not really a factor here. Every game will receive some kind of random grading.
The important part is how the experience played. How it felt, what it was like, etc etc.

Mostly, these are for just entertainment value. There will be overexaggerations and character roleplay.

I do not like how the grading system works, and I think the overall value of such a system is pointless. If you like the games I recommend, chances are, you'll like future games I recommend.

Enough of the jibber jabber, here is the list:

Binding of Isaac: Rating - 15 back handsprings
P.T. (Silent Hills teaser) : Rating - 2 gaggles of flamingo 
Octodad: Dadliest Catch : Rating - 7 cereal puzzles