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I think of Amiibo as a content platform that supplements my games. So like, I buy the Link Ammibo, right? I get several costumes across several games, a new weapon in HW, and a computer that learns with me in Smash Wii U and can train me to tournament level play. Seriously, Amiibos have been entered in tournaments and some do really well, and eventually a lot tend to surpass their owners. It's some damn good AI. Not bad content to have, worth the price alone, and wouldn't even make sense without the Amiibo. How are you going to take an Amiibo to a friend, or even enter a tournament as some have, if it's stored on the disk or the system? But whatever. So my Link Amiibo, when Zelda U comes out, will get substantial new content, you can be sure, and I already paid for it. Buying an Amiibo, then, is like buying more than a season pass of DLC for a game, hell it's even more than a pass for all relevant DLC for the Wii U. Link alone gets me tons of Zelda related DLC for as long as he remains functional, going beyond generations, beyond platforms. I'll have certain Zelda DLC paid for even if Nintendo went third party! Amiibo is a unique content platform, that allows you to buy a figure from your favorite franchise and get supplemental content for any future game in the franchise released on any system Nintendo releases the franchise on.

That's so long as they keep supporting it, and they fucking better or so help me...