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One should note Microsoft's slow progression, however. I've certainly noted it. Over the last 9 months, NPD reports have gone from:

1) More software revenue this month than the PS3 and Wii combined

2) More software revenue this month than either the PS3 or Wii

3) Most total revenue, including HW and software, this month

4) Most total revenue LTD

If you don't believe me, please check back -- all of these claims have been made in quick succession. This tells me that most likely, this has happened, using the same numbers from above to avoid confusion:

1) The 360 was dominating LTD hardware and monthly software by a wide margin

2) PS3 + Wii combined software sales began outselling 360 software sales on a month-to-month basis

3) Wii software began outselling 360 software in terms of units sold, but the average price of each game was cheaper, so revenue was used instead

4) This month (for what I believe is the first time, but perhaps the second), Wii software outsold 360 software in terms of units sold and monthly revenue.


And yet, 360 software continues to sell very strongly, and the 360 sold more units than the PS3 this month, with a very strong, 360-only GTA IV campaign coming up next month, that I personally have a good amount of faith in. In short, while the Wii rampaged over everyone, the 360 and PS3 both really did have strong months in historical perspective. ">">