Mr.Playstation said:
Are you slowly hoping that I get banned . Listen if anything I wrote in those threads is against the rules ( Or anything I write in the future ) than send me a Pm. Other mods have contacted me before about something bad I said and I quickly fixed everything. Edit: Now let's get back to the OP, I really don't want to get banned. |
The WiiU in terms of sales has a brighter future then the past. The new Nintendo consoles is in the work... so is Sony's and Microsoft's, that's the job of the R&D department. Even if Nintendo announce a new console at E3 this year it won't be on the market till 2017. No Nintendo fan thinks the WiiU will outsell Xbox one or PS4 this gen. But, it can do much better then it's done in the past. The WiiU isn't dead. Actually most of the future WiiU owner are current PS4 and Xbox One owners that will pick one up to play games when the console is much cheaper.