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cwbys21 said:

 I know that, it says the same thing on the box.  All I'm saying is, one argument and Disney could take Kingdom Hearts and give it to the people who made their crappy movie->games knockoffs and make money off of it and ruin a game that SE made hugely popular.  I just think there is something in the contract that wouldn't give Disney full power over the franchise because that would be rather stupid on SE part.

That has already happened though. The mobile phone version had no Square-Enix involvement. The reason Disney won't switch the series over to a new developer is due to corporate relations. Disney loves the extra cash Kingdom Hearts brings in. Switching to a new developer would put that source of money in jeopardy. Once they made the switch there is next to no chance that Square-Enix will let them come crawling back without a huge sacrifice on Disney's part. In order to keep the money fights coming they will stay with the developer they know can deliver rather than risk it with someone who might not be able to.

Starcraft 2 ID: Gnizmo 229