Yakuzaice said:
You still aren't saying why they will come in 2015, you just keep saying they will. Once again, what is different today from a month ago that will cause more casuals to come? 1. The casual player hasn't dived in yet, therefore they will in 2015 is not a reason. 3. I knew you were talking about the Wii U. I wanted to know what reasons parents would buy it in 2015 that they didn't have in 2014. If you said your predictions were based on the assumption of a price cut it would make more sense. I'd still disagree, but it would be more reasonable. Now you are saying there just "could" be a price cut. If there is no price cut, do you expect Wii U sales to double in 2015? Okay, games, price, brand, experiences. Now which of these will change significantly in 2015 in order to cause the Wii U to double in sales? Your argument seems to focus on already released games, free online, and cheaper hardware than the competition. But that was all true in 2014, so why should the sales situation change in 2015? |
Yes i say.. :) becourse for me "casual" are the ones who not buy a console right away.. but first later when there are more games and in most cases the price is lower.. and they have seen it/ know it exist.. and what games there are.. and/or are kids where the parents buy for them.
For me this is pure logic.. offcourse.. its always like this.. hardcore/fans buys early and later more "casual" join in. cant see I should prove that..
My predictions is not based on the assumption of a price cut.. just that that won't do any harm.. I persanally think Nintendo will lower the price to 279 in 2015.. but that is not why i think WiiU will do better.. thats becourse off WiiU it self and the games. But the pricecut will offcourse only help to sell more.
And i cant see why you dont think that alot of 6-15 years old kids will get a console this year.. meaning parents will buy and pay.. offcourse they will.. and they are very big part any gen
AND last... yes.. that was true in 2014..
But try to think.. ps4 and One was also on the marked... does that mean that kids and more casual 15-25 will not buy a 8 gen console.. NO.. thats only means that they did'nt bought one in 2014..
When they come.. they will look at.. yes you gueest it.. games, price, brand, experiences :)