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I'm not really sure why this topic exists. I'm not trying to be mean, but you already gave the numbers, and the only logical answer is that the Xbox One is not a failure. If it were a failure it wouldn't have moved so many units. That would be like asking if the PS3 was a failure at the end of its first full year of sales. Sony was being destroyed by Microsoft in terms of sales. They ended up catching up, and then surpassing Microsoft. I personally don't see Microsoft surpassing Sony unless they get some major game changers in (e.g. Xbox exclusive titles that people actually want), but Microsoft has too much money, and too much influence to just roll over because Sony is doing better than them at the beginning of the current-gen "console wars". Microsoft knows the gaming market is huge, and they won't back out of it. This discussion is kind of pointless because anyone with half a brain already knows that.