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hey guys, aren't we playing all of our games on shiny hd dvds now?

achievements are odious and make gaming a kind of online pissing contest.

kinect is dead. and buried. really, really deep.

halo hasn't been good since 2004 (with the small detour of odst, which was okay).

what jrpgs were to the 90s, so-called (open-world) wrpgs will be to the 00s. very formulaic and visually indistinguishable one from the other. most of them will be forgettable in the long run. oh, and fable sucks more and more with each new release.

hard drives are awful, slow and resource-draining. flash storage and ssd are the future. as with hd dvds, microsoft prolonged the inevitable.

(^^ also, thanks tachikoma for offering some much-needed perspective on microsoft's "innovations" above.)