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I actually already mentioned this about an hour ago in the thread about which game you played first, but I should put it where it belongs. It's the Philips G7000, owned by my mother since the late 70s which I started playing around 1992. In Europe, this was the Atari's biggest competitor, though sales of both were laughably low for today's standards, and even for standards back then when compared to the US market.

It's a great console, a million times better than 'successor' CD-i, though home to many clones of famous Atari games. The European version looks a bit different from the one in the picture, which is the American Odyssey2. Ours had no power button, the red buttons on the controllers were black and being branded differently, had a different logo. I'm kind of proud that my first console isn't one of the standard ones, and I admit I love to talk about it.

The first home-console that was actually bought during my lifetime in my household was the Nintendo 64 in 1997, and the PlayStation in the same year. The N64 remains one of only 2 consoles we've had since launch day (N64 was launched in '97 in Europe), the other being, believe it or not, WiiU. Before N64 I sometimes gamed (well, "gamed") on the NES and SNES of my aunt, which may or may not have been going on since before my mother let me play on her old console, but didn't own them myself until years later.

Including portables, I've had a classic GameBoy, a transparent one, since 1995, maybe 1996.