CGI-Quality said:
The advertising has already started. GameStop has it marketed everywhere that the Kinectless Xbox One is $349 (I'm talking in-store, in addition to, online). I'm not saying there won't be any effect, but it will not be a substantial one. Certainly nothing like what we saw during the holiday! |
M$ will get it into the weekly ads of Walmart/BBY/Target. Not in any of them this week. It usually takes 3-4 weeks lead time on those places to get into their advertising. It seems that M$ thought they would see how putting the price back up would pan out. It obviously didn't go well. So, now they will have a waiting period before the can get the "special promotional price" thing going in the weekly print ads. Of course, online and in store(did not see anything at walmart or Best Buy yesterday) could be faster...
It could be said the M$ blew the wad during xmas season and the coupon shoppers are all spent out. But, the coupon shoppers will start getting their tax money in about 3 weeks. That creates a whole buying period for 6 weeks again, if the right products have the advertising.
It is near the end of the end....