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Been gaming for as long as I can remember. Used to play the SNES, Mega Drive then N64 every day at my friends house. I remember his brother used to rage at us because we would sometimes complete/progress through his games when he was at school :D. The first console I had in my house was either the Gameboy Colour or the PS1. I know for sure I got the GBC when I was 9 though cus I bought it the same day I got my confirmation with the money I got, I got pokemon red with it, it later got stolen :(. With the PS1 I remember begging my dad to get an N64 instead cus all my friends had one, glad he didn't end up getting one. The first game we got was crash bandicoot after I seen it at a next door neighbours and was blown away, the parents were badgered into getting it lol. After the GBC the first console I ever bought with my own money was the PS4. Sorry for the life story just had to nostalgia out a bit!

P.S Every console I've ever owned still works to this day!