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Burek said:
I wish I could share the same excitement, but in reality the only game I am truly excited about is Uncharted 4. Sure, there is a lot of games that will be great, many more will be good, but I can live through 2015 with or without any of them. It is fortunate that so many games come out to give something to play for people of all varying tastes, though.

So, anything that comes out I'm fine with, anything that doesn't come out or gets delayed I'm OK with. Just give me Uncharted 4 and this year is perfect. (oh, and MLB The Show will rock)


Is the PS4 your only scene? If so I'd be happy to look up games for other consoles (I naturally gravitate towards Nintendo but despite my lack of inclination towards it I'd be happy to include some Xbone stuff) that might provide you with something else to titillate you.


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