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I expect the opposite to happen.

 If Bloodbourne ends up being well received by gamers, these gamers might look for more and give DS2 a chance. Bare in mind that DS2 didn't sell that well, it was essentially limited to a portion of DS 1 fans. On the other hand, there is little to further advertise the re-release of DS2 on Xbox one or the PC. Those E3 graphics were a lie, they ain't coming back. So combining the possible positive effect of BB and the fact that Souls games sell better on the PS, I expect DS2's sales to be crushingly in favor of the PS4. Those who have ZERO reason to buy the game are the PC owners who already have shinier graphics.

2 weeks is not that short a period.

 I'm one of those gamers in wait; I didn't buy DS 2 exactly because I wanted to see if they still have what it takes to make a Souls game or if they just planned to exploit the brand strength.