S.T.A.G.E. said:
bowserthedog said:
S.T.A.G.E. said:
Soundwave said:
Nintendo doesn't give poops about what MS or Sony are doing at this point.
They're not in that ball game anymore and haven't been for a while. They're having enough headaches trying to deal with the impact of smartphones/tablets eating away their strongholds of the kids market/casual/beginner players.
Yes they are in the same ball game, they just screwed up by losing the third parties after trying to court them in 2012.
(See the Nintendo conference E32012)
Nintendo gave the illusion they were trying to court them. Mostly they need some content year one while Nintendo played catch up on HD game development.
When Nintendo matches the features of Playstation and Xbox and has the same power at the same time then you could say they truely courted the cross platfrom games.
No. Nintendo expressed regret after the Wii era ended at the lack of highly praised and selling third party content on their platform. When this was revealed Activision was finally open to giving Nintendo a current gen port of Black Ops 2 because the console was finally on par, but one thing was missing which was community (sales) of the franchise on their platform. Reggie went on the news telling people that the Wii U was the best platform to play COD on, because they wanted the Wii U to be seen as no different than the Playstation in offerings but offering a twist with the way you play it. If marketers do not see a large enough installed base that could effectively pay for DLC they remove DLC from that platform. Generally its around 20% share of the installed base of the platforms base.
Watch their E3 conference in 2012. Nintendo courted numerous third party devs after going on a media crusade to prove they could stand with them. Something happened to cause them to have a falling out with EA and other publishers. What caused it? I don't know...but I bet a great portion of it has everything to do with the fact that Nintendo was too little too late and wanted third party to downport their next gen titles for them, which they had already said since 2011 was not going to happen unless console publishers met specifications. Microsoft and Sony were the only ones to listen.
I'm well aware they did that. But my point is that in all things actions speak louder than words. Sure they'd love to get cross platform support. It would provide benefit to them. But they have been unwilling to actually take the appropriate actions which could make that possible. So this tells me that deep down they aren't that serious when they talk about getting cross platform titles. They mainly just need them at launch.
You have to be able to look past the smoke and mirrors and look at the actual actions to know what intentions a company really has. It's kinda like politics.