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Not a chance bro.

I'll give you 4 reasons why:

1 - Most of the fanbase are on sony platforms for historical reasons:

Demon's souls was exclusive + old from software second party games for plastation brand(shadow tower+ king's field)

2 - Sony has a bigger install base.Bigger the install base bigger the sales potential.

3 - Playstation brand has a bigger global appeal.Souls series isn't an american oriented franchise like COD or BF or even WRPGs like Skyrim or Diablo.If that was the case,i could see Xbox one having a better attach rate or even winning at absolute numbers but that isn't the case.Souls series is a jRPG franchise with WRPG settings that appeals for a demographic who is not 'merica limited.And as i said this demographic usually buys playstation over xbox.

4 - The bloodborne factor- Even if you ignore everything i said until now still This would be a huge advantage for see people will buy PS4 for bloodborne and when DK2HD came out they will not buy another new console to play it.