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Gnizmo said:
endimion said:


well 2,5 years in a trend is a really short time regarding the customer profile... I don't belive in the long gone idea... it might be more likely to stay like that.. but it's far for being proved to be a long lasting thing... we are not talking about MP3 players like Ipods here.... how many parents who bought that won't care about it soon... now how many parents that have those HD TV will buy a PS3 for the BR at least if not HD gaming (because if they don't have a HD console they can't really say/know if they care about better looking games (it's not better graphics by the way ;) ).... or buy a 360 because their kids ask for a console and the HD one is the same price than the Wii and can play their DVD....

what i'm saying it's not that Wii won't win.. I do believe the trend is strong enough.... but could be totally false too... we are not talking about something like MP3 players once again....

and when I said a boom in HD I was thinking more about BR gaining on the DVD market...

in short people still saying Wii is a fade after 2,5 year in the generation can still be right..... being consitent that long is a very good adventage but far from enough on that market...

PS where do you ge free nielsen study on the market I'm really interested... :)

The Nielson data was published some time ago. 6 months or more I would guess, and it was fairly shocking for me as well honestly. I grabbed it through the normal game news channels. I could try to dig it up for you but it would probably be pretty hard right now.

I also cannot fathom why you assume the Wii will be bought as a gift for children and then forgotten, but a PS3 or 360 bought as a gift for children will be long lasting. Kids are fucking expensive. So far as I have seen they are more expensive than what anyone who is not a parent would expect. You don't buy them a $250 toy and then spend extra on games and controllers for them to forget about. More so, kids are fickle. They don't want a games system. They don't want an action figure or a hamburger or anything generic like that. They want *that* hamburger or toy or game system. Being the same price is not enough. There has to be the same demand as well, and currently thats not the case. Going forward the Wii is easily the system in the best position to price drop insuring it can always be the cheapest if that is needed.

I don't think the blu-ray victory (supposing it holds out which is looking good) will push the PS3 in a massive way. The PS3 is a game console first and will always have a certain stigma attached to it as a result. Further, a basic blu-ray player that is much cheaper than the PS3 will come out as soon as a decent market for it is shown.

I find it funny though that you use DVD playing capabilities in the same post you use blu-ray as reasons the PS3/360 could over take the Wii. I am not trying to critisize really, but it seemed intersting enough for me to point out.

 no no I was saying a lot of adults/ parents/ kidults buy the Wii for them..... not their kids....once it's total speculation... what I was saying the trend is that people bought that for their kids... then they liked it too... played with friends... those friend bought it for them etc.... what I'm saying is if a good chunk of the actual buyers are those profile.... the sales have still a great potential to drop... especially if the ealy buyers have their Wii taking dust...

I was saying if the parents with kids who don't have any new console yet.... have their kids asking for new one.... until now if they are low on money or don't see why the kid should have the expensive one (he was naughty lol) they bought a Wii but... if the price of XB drops to the one of Wii and has HD gaming fiting their new HD tv reading their DVDs etc... I can see them going for the HD one for the kid....


this kind of scenario is probably unlikely but that early in the generation it is still too early to think its entirely over... that's what I'm thinking...

so if the Wii slows down the two other regain momentum because they fight each other... you could see an end of generation being close between all three console.... the real question is how long will the Wii stay more attractive to the customer than the 2 other ones... and that could change over the 2 years to come.... when all three console will have a low price....

well anyway we'll... that gen is very interesting and could be surprising on several level still now...


on the final statement it is because I don't believe the BR format can take over the DVD this gen and probably won't take if something new arrives before it really takes an important market share to the DVD format... but that's just a feeling.... it's way too early in the HD business to say and it depends if the other format out there are ready for sale to mass market soon or even suitable for that kind of market... because if people don't know there is already way better than BR out there...