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If the DLC is as big as another city with some more missions, cars, etc. I think MS is blowing it since they are not advertising it. I still know many people, myself included, that do not have a PS3 or 360 and this game is a console seller. Because I have yet to buy a console I don't see the DLC being something as large as a new city or they would try to get my (soon to be console buyer) attention.

The lack of details about the DLC leads me to believe its not as big as a new city. I think it will probably be more side missions and more multiplayer modes/options. However the side missions and multiplayer modes would have to be pretty impressive to justify the price tag.

If the DLC is as big as a new city MS better get the word out soon or they will lose a lot of console sales. I'm leaning towards the PS3 for the blu-ray (which I can rent), free online play and more dependable system. I love GTA and something like a new city would then make my decision more difficult.