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Just a quick question regarding the upcoming Scholar of the first Sin version that will release on the original platforms for Dark Souls 2 (360, PS3 and PC) as well as current-gen consoles: Ps4 and Xbox One.


Does Dark Souls 2 has a chance of selling better on Xbox One?


Now, generally (and by generally, I mean 95% of the time), these kind of games tend to sell better on Sony's console. If we use Dark Souls 1 and 2 data for comparison, we find that the difference between Sony and Microsoft's consoles are one million units, and as for the second one, around 750.000 units. So why this would be any different?


There's a factor that crams into this equation:

Bloodborne is releasing the 24th of March.


When is Scholar of the First Sin releasing?

7th of April.


Could this close release dates cause that the Xbox One version of Dark Souls 2 sells better? In regards to that, legs are as important as first month sales data; but since most of the Souls fanbase is waiting eagerly for Bloodborne, and most of them had already played Dark Souls 2 (and perhaps don't want to come back again), the fatigue caused from Bloodborne might make them pospone the purchase of DS2 or avoid it alltogether. Xbox One could enjoy the better sales due to not having a Souls game at all, outside Dark Souls 2, which could drive people to buy it (again), or discover it for the first time.


What do you think?