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Busted said:
Venezuela, non-developed, 60 years in the past, piracy kingdom like almost all of south america, so everything that can be pirated sells, a lot, or well it DID - We (average citizen) are not in the position to dispose money at all right now, but in general serious gaming exists, mostly on PC due to the high price of (private companies) imports here, 1 ps4 game = 2 months of (minimum) wage, so Steam is king here in no man's land, there ARE PS/Xbox gamers but they are a minimal portion when compared to steam users from my personal experience, Handhelds do quite well and DS/PSP were seen quite often on the streets in their prime, now's a different time tho... those days are gone; A small nintendo community that still refuses to die (mostly 30 something year old who grew up with it) and mobile gaming is what you could call hmmm... just not that big.

A bit off topic, but can I ask what - in your opinion as a Venezuelan - led to things becoming so bad?


All three console manufacturers are viable here (or were...the Wii U is around, but struggling).

Xbox 360 and PS3 were pretty even, but you do get the sense PS4 has outdone the Xbox One at this point - though that began to shift a bit with some good Xbox One holiday sales.

Historically, Xbox is still way up on its origins, Playstation is way down on its origins.

Handhelds - smartphones are taking over, but for dedicated gaming Nintendo reins supreme.

starcraft - Playing Games = FUN, Talking about Games = SERIOUS