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o.o Well, props for the intentions of the thread, if nothing else. Although I still retain the same quality that keeps me pretty firmly agnostic, which is that the concept that the many, many religions (and many, many, MANY smaller splinter groups from those religions,) turn the question of which is the 'True Path to Salvation' into a near din of; 'I'M THE REAL ONE!' "No, no, over here, pick me, I'M the real one!' 'No, damnit, don't listen to those two guys, I am!" "Ignore those three, it's Me!" "ME!"

I know the idea here is to have faith, but the major hurdle is if one's trying to examine the religions to find the 'best,' it ends up boiling down to personal preferences, as there's reeeeally no clear-cut 'Right Choice,' although there are some more ridiculously obvious wrong choices, ala Scientology. And given, obviously, ALL of the religions are populated with people who have that aforementioned faith, clearly faith is not, in and of itself, a sign that you walk the true path, or whatever you want to call it.

I'd find it a bit ironic if, in the event there WERE a true path to salvation, and one true religion, it actually began in ancient Sumer and ended up dying out before they were even conquered by the Akkadian empire. =P Christianity is in the odd position of being kind of the Middle Child, as there are numerous religions far older, and also plenty of faiths far newer (including offshoots of Christianity,) making it neither the most ancient of 'Truths,' nor the most recent.

Anywho, again, appreciate the sentiment. ^_^ Just not sure you'll have a tremendous amount of success. o.O

Zanten, Doer Of The Things

Unless He Forgets In Which Case Zanten, Forgetter Of The Things

Or He Procrascinates, In Which Case Zanten, Doer Of The Things Later

Or It Involves Moving Furniture, in Which Case Zanten, F*** You.