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I get these every once and a while (actually, I got them a lot last year, then they sort of faded away). Let me try to remember the scenes... I have been covered in rats eating me alive, I have had aliens looking at me, doctors operating on me (while awake of course), people sitting in the shadows watching me, lights flashing around me; they never seem to be happy dreams lol. One of them was so bad that once I was able to move, I leaped out of bed punching the air, thinking I was going to hit the guy in my room.

It actually happened so much to me, that I developed a way to hurry it along and get back to non-horrifying sleep. When I realize that I can't move, I focus everything I have on moving my toes, when they move, everything else follows suit. Of course it can be hard to pull that off when you have the devil pulling you to hell, as you seem to have Ashadelo, I imagine that is more than a little distracting.

Proud member of the Mega Mario Movement

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