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This is just a simple question I'm asking that doesn't need any trolling or any of that fanboy bullshit. Leave that nerd ass'd shit at the door.


So assuming that the majority of you reading this right now are adults, I was just wondering how you go about adding people online?


A little bit ago, I was playing some PVZ Garden Warfare on PS4 and being that the Chad Daddy is a BEAST, people always end up requesting me. So I get a friend request from an individual(We'll call him "Shredder85") who just so happened to be on my team at the time. I got ready to send him a message to tell him that if he didn't have a mic, I wouldn't add him but I was like "fuck it" and added him really quick before the next game started.


So I add him, he sends me an invitation to join his party chat but I didn't because I was about to join another chat with these other people I'm on with all the time. So I joined the other chat and about 5 mins in, Shredder85 joined the chat that I was in and not only was he too damn noisy(background noise and double voice sounding shit) but I also noticed that he was a damn kid(sounded like he was about 10 or 11).


So the female I was in the chat with told him that she was sorry but she was about to kick him(remove from chat) because he was too damn loud and he was like "ok".


So when I left the chat, I deleted him from my friends list. Not because he was too loud or somebody told me too but because he was a kid.


Like I'm going to sit here and talk with some kids. 


..fucking kids adding me and shit. Like umm.. yea NO! I dont even want them on my friends list. 


So how do you go about adding people? Do you add everybody? Do you have requirements like me(lol)? Let me know down below.