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removing bc is probably one of sony's strategy to increase profits. by lowering production costs drastically, they can potentially increase their profits.

another strategy would seem that they are hoping that by removing the bc from the ps3, the ps2 would still continue to sell in which they would have effectively extended its life cycle. more ps2 sold would again mean more profit for sony as they are probably making more money on the ps2 than the ps3.

but the way i see it, by removing bc skus in japan, they have effectively alienated a portion of the market who are considering to buy a ps3 and at the same time are aiming to play the newer ps2 games on the same console.

to many, bc isnt much of a big deal and anyone could just go out and buy a ps2 also, but budget is a constraint for many people. if you add it all up, ps3 40gig + ps2 price > ps3 60gig price. so for japanese gamers who wants to play both ps2 and ps3 games, the 60gig is the way to go. and with the large liblary of games the ps2 has and the number of new releases still coming out, having a ps3 with bc is really a plus factor.