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FaRmLaNd said:
The point that all the naysayers are refusing the admit it that it doesn't matter if the ps3 outsells the 360 at this point. The reality of the industry is that if your going to make an HD game. Its going to cost a lot of $$$. Now you'll want to make sure your game can reach the most amount of people as possible. Thus since the 360 has significant enough userbase, a proven track record in regards to software sales and good enough harware sales to maintain momentum every developer that isnt being paid by sony or microsoft will be releasing it on both.

Its not about specs or graphics or any of the crap that people think it is. its simply about return on investment. If your not releasing it on the wii its going to be mulitplatform.

I agree. And this is all anyone show care about. That 3rd party games come to your system. At this point, that's most likely going to happen.

The only time I would disagree, is there is a chance that in the future, once the tools mature, that PS3 games look a lot better then 360 games, and to develop for the two consoles cost more this time around, as the code structure has to be so different. If in the end there are 5x the number of PS3's then at that point multi plat games might go just to the PS3 for ROI reasons.

If that does happen, it won't be for 3-4 years, so no need to debate it now anyway.