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Intrinsic said:
kowenicki said:

Well given the horrendous amoutn of bad press that was thrown at the ONE for the year after its reveal... I'm amazed it is so close.

Make no mistake, the lifetime sales are very, very close.

Nov and Dec proves there is significant demand out there for the xbox.

I don't get why some here insist on making an overly simple thing complicated. 

November proves that When u put a $350 console and two free games and other promotions (especially considering that most of the offered free games were new ones and not remasters) up against a $400 console, the console with the better deal will win. Just like June through October proved that when priced the same the PS4 will win.

So its simple, as long as NA is concerned, if the XB1 wants to sell as well or better than the PS4 it will have to be cheaper. Now, with the PS4 being at $400 and the XB1 being at $350, things are gonna get interesting. Cause now we will see just how much cheaper the XB1 needs to be to outsell the PS4. If the PS4 still outsells the XB1 being $50 more expensive, then it will mean that ms needs to do a lot more than a $50 cheaper price package. And on that note, Ms will not stand a chance of winning NA, cause it will mean that a $300 PS4 can only be beat by a $200 XB1. 

The other problem is that you can only cut the price so much. Eventually, the consoles will go back to price parity and it'll basically go down which console provides better value.

The PS4 also has more room to cut down on manufacturing costs since it uses more expensive parts. Just recently, Samsung began mass producing 8-gigabit GDDR5 RAM chips ( ). The PS4 is currently using 4-gigabit GDDR5 RAM chips, so it will likely get a hardware revision this year (internal or a whole new slim model) and this will help reduce manufacturing costs. The X1, on the other hand, faces a few problems. Its custom die is expensive to make because of the way the esRAM is embedded into the die. Also, the cost of DDR3 RAM will go up, especially when DDR4 becomes the norm.