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ministaff said:
Legend11 said:
I think the 360 has already proven itself to be a great console with a lot of fantastic games which should be the measure of a console's success in my opinion. I mean the game library has come a long way since the Xbox 1 days. Who could have imagined it would have so many JRPGs? Did the original Xbox have even one?

As for future games I don't understand why people are putting down the 360's lineup, especially since it has a great list of upcoming games.

Here are just some of the games coming to the console:

Tales of Vesperia
Fable 2
Gears of War 2
Too Human
Banjo Kazooie 3
GTA IV: Episodes 1 and 2
Halo Wars
Halo Chronicles
Resident Evil 5
Ninja Gaiden 2
Soulcalibur IV
Left 4 Dead
Bioshock 2
Mass Effect 2
Silent Hill 5
Brutal Legend
Splinter Cell: Conviction
Fallout 3
Mercenaries 2
Alpha Protocol
Cry On
Infinite Undiscovery
Aliens: Colonial Marines
Alan Wake
Saints Row 2
Dark Void
Star Wars: The Force Unleashed
Edge of Twilight
Tom Clancy's Endwar
Ghostbusters: The Video Game
The Last Remnant
And many many other third party games and unannounced exclusives. Anyways I'm sure anyone who actually buys the system will end up being very happy with their purchase in the long run.

i was talking about console sellers not any random game you can find on the internet. the only game there that is remotely going to MAYBE be a console seller is gears of war 2 but the only people who would buy that are people that enjoyed the first. if anyone bought the console for 1 game it was the first gears of war. as for your list of games, do you honestly think that all of those games are going to be system sellers, HONESTLY? some of those games i have never even heard of. APB, borderlands the last remnant, etc. and some of them come out for all 3 consoles so that shouldnt count either. next time you come out with another list of the 360's "greatest hits" try and be a little more accurate.

 Tales of Vesperia is going to be a much bigger deal than people think.  People are crapping themselves over that game.  Fable 2 is a maybe.  Gears of War 2, Ninja Gaiden 2, Too Human, Mass Effect 2, Bioshock 2, anything to do with Halo, GTAIV DLC (Joystiq's poll results show that GTAIV will sell more copies due to the DLC), Alan Wake, etc.  His list is legit.  Most of any console's game library is multiplatform.  It's the exclusives that really make the difference, and the 360 still has plenty coming out.  The developer community is still backing the 360 100% as much as they are backing the PS3.  The fanboy war is irrelevant to them because they are making money on both systems, and they will continue to make money on both systems considering how many of them are out there.