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true_fan said:
poklane said:
true_fan said:

The attach rates is why some companies don't mind being exclusive to XBOX. Despite ps4 having a 1 million+ install base lead a majority of the year, several games sold better on XB1 and there is still a ton of 360 support.

Every developer on earth minds going exclusive on any platform unless they get a huge bag of money.

I also love how you try to talk down PS4 sales and/or try to make XB1 sales look way better than they are with the bolded part. Also, what games have sold better on XB1 than PS4 (talking WW here as exclusitivy aplies to the whole world and not just the US)?

Don't get so defensive, I'm only pointing out that XBOX attach rates continue to be the highest in the industry. No need for a bag of money, guaranteed money and partnership eliminates risk, which is very important in business.

You do realise that word means a bag of money when it comes to "partnering" with 3rd parties to make exclusive games. And how do you "guarantee money"? You certainly don't guarantee more money by limiting the number of platfomrs on which you game releases. So the only way to get guaranteed money is to get it up front, i.e. in a bag from the platform maker.

“The fundamental cause of the trouble is that in the modern world the stupid are cocksure while the intelligent are full of doubt.” - Bertrand Russell

"When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace."

Jimi Hendrix