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Good to see it was able to be quite ahead, with the good software release schedule, and possible price cut, it should do wonders this year! Hopefully NA, Europe, and RoW can make up the difference which is being caused by the Japanese console market being lower this time of the year, when compared to the last, because of the tax hike.

COMG guide to points: 1 point = Raging. 2 points = Beasting. 3 points = Tearing it up. 4 points = Berzerk. 7 points = Rampage. 12 points = Burst. 15 points = god mode. 20+ points = DIVIDING BY ZERO!!! 40+ points = Youkai (originally Pokemon).

-1 = Negabeasting. -5= NegaRampage. -10 = NegaBurst