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outlawauron said:
bigtakilla said:
KylieDog said:

The faces look better, is no arguing it.  If you want to switch this to a technical argument then XCX looks bad compared to everything on PS4 and Xbone, because those consoles games "have many, many more polygons and higher resolution textures."  But that wasn't my point, only the eventual outcome of yours.

Art style goes a long way towards making a game look good and XCX characters have a terrible one, in my example worse than even a PS2 game.  A game in the same genre and which XC was often compared to, so a very fair comparison.

I can argue it, no they don't..... Like at all.

And it goes downhill VERY quickly from there when you look at their clothing. 

That was kind of easy actually. 

BTW: Isn't this a cutscene compared to something that is in game graphics?... Thought so. 

Every single Xenoblade X image linked is from a cutscene. Literally every single one.

He's talking about in-game graphics cutscene vs in-engine graphics cutscene. I believe what this means is in in-game cutscenes the models
 used are the same as during gameplay and in in-engine cutscenes different, more detailed models are used but those aren't the ones you play with. If that is the case (and I think this was already proved to be right but dunno for sure) what his saying is that XCX cutscenes are representative of the gameplay graphics whilst the others are not. So in order to compare graphics you can't use XCX cutscene Vs Others cutscene, but instead XCX cutscene/gameplay shot Vs Otehrs gameplay shot.