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I'm not that into these sales numbers so I don't really know about what I'm talking about next so If anyone more educated than me on this matter has something to say about my conclusions, please do.

1st) Smash sold only less 100k than MK8 with only 7 weeks on the market (vs like 7 months of MK8). I think this is kinda great for SSbros. Or is it just unimpressive for MK8? Or both?

2nd) So WiiU sold almost 140k the week after holidays. I'm thinking if WiiU would be able to achieve a baseline of around 140k/week, at the end of 2015 they would have sold more than 7M which is kinda good given their WiiU record so far. Also, isn't that supposed to be one of the slowest weeks of the year? If so my estimate would be rounded by default,and not counting the spikes it might have throughout the year, so my 7M estimate can possibly even be conservative? Or does this make no sense at all?