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sc94597 said:
Samus Aran said:
sc94597 said:

Yet you cannot tell the difference between a static measurement and a data set? In physics we do measurements of say a centimeter with uncertainties of a milimeter (10% of a centimeter) all the time and we get final uncertainties of less than 2.5 which is good standing after using methods like chi-squared. Also you are doing the same thing here. Your 20-25 sqmi estimate shows your uncertainty of 10%. And the eyrth sea is obviously not the size of all the other zones put together, especially since he is measuring at least part of the eyrth sea in his estimate. You implied that he was missing data and said that he isn't measuring all of the eyrth sea, yet you estimate a size at least 10  more than his. 

There are dozens of threads on the internet that calculate the right size of games like Skyrim and XB.

I'm merely saying 20-25 because the correct answer lies somewhere in between but I forgot the exact number. I'm not going to do your google work. You haven't played the game obviously.

I'm pointing an inconsistency here. You are saying an estimate of a measurement must be within .5% of the actual result, yet you claim that you have no knowledge of 20% of your estimate. Furthermore, the burden of proof is on you since you made the claim. Not me.



And yea I have played the game. My favorite charcter is Melia, she is a mage, her attacks deal with timed buffs and are elemtal based on ice, earth, fire,  and electricity. A certain companion dies at the start of a game and returns as a faced mechon. Another big character betrays the group and works for the enemy, who created the world along with another character.

Me putting little effort in my post (which is true) doesn't =mean the source based it on did the same. ;)

I have a bare:ly wor;king ;keyboaqrùd aqs you c/aqn see.K (keys create extra letters which I manually deleted up until this point)