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Monster Hunter isn't a game you can play for 30 min and enjoy. The fun is in the grind itself. When you've made your farm as efficient as possible in making potions you feel good about it. When you and the group you are hunting with can churn out parts of a monster very quickly so that you all can upgrade your gear and fight the next bad ass monster you feel good about it. When you take down a Rathalos or Qurupeco, for the first few times you feel good about it, because all of the effort is rewarded with your kill. And it is a good balance of combat strategy and preparation. All of the preparation builds an atmosphere of actually going on a hunting expedition. And this is without mentioning the charm of some of the characters and the amazing monsters you must take down. This is a game that requires hours and hours of work and effort. Think of it like Pokemon's competitive battling scene and working on your IV's and Ev's etc. The difference is that monster hunter is more cooperative than competitive