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sc94597 said:

Not that I disagree with the point you were making, but this always baffles me. If SO4 were released 2 years ago on the 360 the character models would probably be similar to what they looked like 6 years ago on the 360. I understand it was to emphaize a point, but it kind of exaggerates that point. Yeah, I know there is optimization and all, but I doubt there would be that much of a difference.  Character models have always been substandard for Xeno games compared to other games on the console. I don't see why people are fretting about this. 

Perhaps not in SO4 (we'll never know), but the standard for "good" models in 2009 was certainly lower than it was by 2013/2014. The 7th gen saw an unusually large in-gen visual jump (due to various factors, but that's a whole different an of worms), especially with models and animation. Since he implied that XCX had models that the PS3 and 360 could "only dream of", i felt it was necessary to add context to the model i was using in comparison (which i pick since it was the most similar, graphically and artistically, i could find to that in XCX).

I agree with your last point though. XCX simply has different priories than many games. It can't be expected to match the quality of models like those in TLOU. Heck, there are many WiiU titles much more deserving of praise in respect to models. 3D World/MK8 in particular. The models may not be that technically impressive in either (at least not relative to their generation), but they're stunningly efficient.