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NFreak said: Wow, that's amazing. I wonder how long it will be before something exceed 2kx1k resolution. That's hot.
Well there are already TVs that run higher than that. My point is. If you can blow the image up to a 75foot screen. and it looks FINE at that resolution... (notice the ~10,000watt power use) WHY in gods sake is anything higher better? That is a link to some stuff about a 1440p and a 2160p stuff. Who cares how high it goes. If you think your 40inch TV needs higher resolution than a 75foot screen. Go away. On HD, the biggest problem is FOCUS. They need better cameras. And when I say better cameras. I mean better glass. And I doubt that will ever get more than 20% better than it is now. (ever) I have a camera. I promise you, if I take a picture, and it's in focus. I can see every pore on your face... However that is almost impossible to do, because of focus. My camera is a 10.2MP. I am looking into buying a 800$ lens to put on it to help that. But it wont make TOO big of a difference.

PSN ID: Kwaad

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