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I have just recently returned to console gaming. I got sick of always worrying about how to get the money for my next PC upgrade, how to afford games at the same time, how to justify playing on the PC when all the same games and all my friends are on consoles, the looming death of the relevance of PC gaming, etc. As a result, I've also been recently reintroduced to the "console war" that happens every generation. I thought this site tried to stay away from these ridiculous threads, but I don't think that's possible when arguing about consoles. It's like Coke vs. Pepsi, Mac vs. PC, etc. But here are my observations from my last four months as a console gamer:

1. Fanboys still exist. It's like they want the other platform to fail because it will validate their console purchase. The way I see it, there's no point being a fanboy this generation. All three consoles have sold well above the mark where they would be considered a success. The only console posting Dreamcast-like numbers so far is the PS3, but it should come out of that soon enough.

2. Despite the fact that the PS3 is still in dead last and has a LOT of catching up to do before it recovers, Sony fanboys are already celebrating the failure of the Wii and the 360. I think this is a bit like when Hillary Clinton was losing every state in the primaries but still inviting Barack Obama to be her running mate when she wins. It's too soon to call, guys. And none of the consoles are going to fail this gen. 360 and Wii have a very good foundation as an install base and both systems are continuing to sell well. I can't imagine PS3 not following suit, but I don't think it's going to be as soon as everyone thinks. Developers are still complaining about how hard it is to make games for the PS3, and it still has a pretty puny exclusive list. GT5 and MGS4 will probably be great, but it remains to be seen if they will push hardware or not.

3. The console war is mainly fought on techie sites by dorks like us. Joe Gamer and Joe Gamer's mom and dad probably haven't heard of the RRoD before. They probably don't know that the PS3 has a cell processor and the 360 has a triple core processor. They probably don't know the differences between PSN and Xbox Live. What they do know is that their kid wants a certain game(s) and after that it's up to them to make the decision.

It's fun to argue about this stuff and get different opinions, but it's also a huge waste of time. Everyone's afraid of their console of choice becoming the next Dreamcast. You don't have to worry about that this gen. The Dreamcast failed because of a pretty unique set of shortcomings that none of the current consoles have. End of story.