the-pi-guy said:
Bronze and Silver ratings are about energy efficiency and the wattage is how much the PSU can supply. Efficency = output/input. 450 w bronze PSU and a 450 w silver PSU will both supply the same amount of power. The input is what will be different. Notice the DC ouput rating is what the wattage is. |
I understand that the Bronze/Silver/Gold is about effeciency and that the W rating is how much output it has.
The reason I suggest a higher W output for a Bronze vs a Silver is because for a Bronze level PSU to output the 450W it has to work harder than a Silver one doing the same. The harder a PSU has to work the faster it will break down. If a Bronze level PSU is working non-stop close to it's max output it will die much sooner than a Silver rated one. Bronze PSU max output are typically very close to their power output rating while Silver and Gold rated PSUs typically have a higher max output then their Power Rating. This is not always the case but I have learned to err on the side of caution for PSU selection.
Sticking with a brand that is well known for underrating their PSU wattage output is also another sound way to avoid the Gold/Silver/Bronze strategy I listed above. You could also do all of the above, never buy less than Silver, stick with well known brand and buy lines of PSU that is known to underrate their PSU wattage output.