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endimion said:
well that's the point I don't see PS 3 or 360 pushing past the Wii... but I can see the Wii trend slow down dramatically depending on what exactly is going on on the consumer side.... is like parents buying the last cool board game all their friend buy but at some point it ends up in the storage and nobody craves for it anymore... because it's not like the PS 2 were they could use it as a DVD player...

if the HD booms real hard on top of that you could see the Wii trend go down...

I do see Wii winning too but that scenario could be true too and more than some people think IMHO....

that's why when every console will be 3,5 year in that generation at least we'll see the real direction the market is taking...

It would take a lot more than just a HD boom to over throw the Wii. Last Nielson report had the number of people with a Wii and a HDTV to be very close to the number of people with a PS3/360 with a HDTV. There would have to be a boom in people caring about HD graphics in their video games. Currently that seems to be restricted to the hardcore uber geeks that are over represented on internet message boards.

The days where the Wii could be some flash in the pan that dies down quickly are long gone. The longer the trend of high Wii sales last, the less likely it is to ever become an overnight success that is forgotten tomorrow. The sales have proven to be sustained, and have increased over time. There would have to be a dramatic shift in consumer behavior very soon, or an act of god to end the Wii's dominance.

Starcraft 2 ID: Gnizmo 229