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Check out this Austin, Texas street artist who's been leaving Zelda-themed treasure chests around the city.

The first hidden treasure chest included a note with an email address asking for a picture or thoughts. Only one person replied but, after checking on the box, he found that people took the art inside but replaced it with gift cards, lottery tickets, movie tickets and other assorted treasures of their own. When I asked if he hoped that would continue now that his work has been seen on Reddit, he said that it isn't up to him what happens to the art.

"I'm hoping the honor system kicks in there — that might be the most naive thing I've ever said. But I'm hoping the honor system kicks in. I think the people who are looking for this know that there are other people looking for it. You know, just take what you want. It would be really cool if people keep it going forward and take something and leave something. Once it's out there, it's out of my hands, and it's up to the culture of people who are out there to decide how it works."

If you'd like a hint for the next box, you can send an email to If you're not in Austin, or just not lucky enough to stumble across any of this, you can follow along on the Hyrule In Austin tumblr.
