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ps3 at leafy got third party games. even if they were inferior.

PS3 was expensive for things that ultimately made it better and showed their value as the generation went on. Eg, now even ms is using a bluray drive. it was also a very powerful albeit complicated system. the WiiU is the weakest console this gen for something that people don't really care about. and even Nintendo doesn't seem to know what to do with.

As the gen went on, debs got a better handle for developing on PS4. its two biggest problems were its prove and difficulty to develop for. don't could easily solve one and in time the second one solved itself. Nintendo can't software update price or Dev support.

Sony made changes. got rid of ken, actually tried to compete ( psn vs xbl), slashed the price, were apologetic... etc. Nintendo is stubborn to a fault. even when their ship is sinking.

what Nintendo needs to do is simple. though this gen is already lost. Real question is, will they do it?