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They learned to launch their next console (the "Nintendo") with specs, architecture and controller blessed by 3rd party developers (it's crucial to have the multiplats like GTA, COD, FIFA, MGS, FF, RE, AC, BF, TES, Fallout, Red Dead, Far Cry, ME, DA, etc.) and with great launch (or launch window) games including exciting new IPs and highly demanded exclusives like an ultimate 3D "The Pokémon Adventure", the rumored next-gen 3D Super Mario (let's call it Galaxy 3) and a full-blown Metroid or Zelda game (would be great if they could cater to both longtime fans and a larger, more mainstream audience with these two games).

For this to be possible I think Nintendo has to expand and add 2 more Western development studios (like Retro Studios) to their family of 1st party developers. Granted, it won't be cheap but Nintendo can afford it and if this could help them reach a larger audience they may as well do it now rather than later. Nintendo's Japanese developers will continue to provide the magical Nintendo games like Mario Kart, Smash Bros. and [insert random innovative Nintendo game].


This would be my dream next-gen home console from Nintendo and what I think could sell potentially huge numbers WW. You don't have to agree.