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TheObserver said:
Skullwaker said:
It's a reverse philosophy of "Too much 'pew pew', not enough new new."

This literally never makes sense when talking about Nintendo, they've been rehashing the same genres with the same IPs for 3 decades now.

And if by chance they do decide to make a new IP the budget for those new IPs seems to be less than a lot of Indie games. There may be resons to buy a Nintendo console, buy "to try new games" is not one of them.

I was being half-facetious. 

Let's get this straight though: Everyone rehashes. Sony, Nintendo, Microsoft, and especially third parties at this point, have all done it. It's how many of them get easy profit. 

In the last three decades, Nintendo has created/supported many, many new IPs in addition to their established franchises at the time of their creation. These include, but are not limited to: Animal Crossing (2001), Brain Age (2005), Custom Robo (1999), Fire Emblem (1990), Golden Sun (2001), Pikmin (2001), Pilotwings (1990), Sin & Punishment (2000), Advance Wars (2001), the Wii series (2006), Xenoblade (2010), The Last Story (2011), Pandora's Tower (2011), Pushmo (2011), The Wonderful 101 (2013), Splatoon (2015), Devil's Third (2015), Eternal Darkness (2002), and many more.

So please don't say that Nintendo does not try to offer new games, because they do, just like Microsoft and Sony. 

Official Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE Thread